Automation 4 Lua Miscellaneous APIs

From Aegisub Manual

This page documents miscellaneous API's useful for working with subtitles, these can't be clearly placed into any of the other main categories and there's too few of each kind to warrant a separate category.


[edit] aegisub.text_extents

Synopsis: width, height, descent, ext_lead = aegisub.text_extents(style, text)

Obtain system font metrics and determine the rendered size in pixels of the given text when using the style.

  • width (number) - Width in pixels of text. This may be non-integer.
  • height (number) - Height in pixels of the text. This may be non-integer.
  • descent (number) - Length of descenders in the font. This may be non-integer.
  • ext_lead (number) - External leading for the font. This may be non-integer.
  • style (table) - A style table as defined by the subtitle interface. The font name, size, weight, style, spacing and encoding is used to determine the size of the text.
  • text (string) - The text the extents should be determined for. This should not contain linebreaks (\n or \r\n) nor should it contain formatting codes of any kind. Formatting codes are not attempted interpreted and will be taken as verbatim text.

You should only feed plain text strings without line breaks into this function, it cannot handle any kind of formatting codes or text layout. Rather, it is intended as a helper to create text layouts by determining rendered sizes of bits and pieces of a longer text, which can then be layouted by the script.

[edit] Getting information on the video

Automation 4 Lua offers two functions designed to be able to work with frame-based timing without having to consider whether the video source is VFR or CFR.

The primary purpose of these functions is to be able to generate per-frame effects, ie. get the timestamps of a number of sequential frames and calculate coordinates, sizes etc. for an object for each of those frames.

One thing to remember when using these functions is that, considering a one-dimensional time line, a time stamp is a point on the time line, while a video frame spans a range of the time line, from its beginning time to its ending time. The ending time of a frame is the beginning time of the next. The beginning time of a frame is included in the range while the ending time is excluded from the range.

[edit] aegisub.frame_from_ms

Synopsis: frame = aegisub.frame_from_ms(ms)

Use loaded frame rate data to convert an absolute time given in milliseconds into a frame number.

  • frame (number) - Frame number corresponding to the time in ms.
  • ms (number) - Absolute time from the beginning of the video, for which to determine the frame number.

If the time is in the middle of the frame it is "rounded down" to the frame number that contains the given time.

[edit] aegisub.ms_from_frame

Synopsis: ms = aegisub.ms_from_frame(frame)

Use loaded frame rate data to convert a frame number of the video into an absolute time in milliseconds.

  • ms (number) - First integer millisecond time stamp to lie within the frame.
  • frame (number) - Frame to obtain the beginning time of.

Because beginning times of frames can have better precision than one millisecond this function rounds up and returns the first whole millisecond that is guaranteed to be within the frame.

[edit] aegisub.video_size

Synopsis: xres, yres, ar, artype = aegisub.video_size()

Get information about the resolution and aspect-ratio of the loaded video, if any.

Returns nil if there is no video loaded.

  • xres and yres (numbers) - Coded width and height of the video in pixels.
  • ar (number) - Custom display aspect ratio override.
  • artype (number) - See below.

There are 5 values that artype can take:

  • If artype is 0, the video has square pixels, ie. PAR is 1.00 or DAR is xres/yres.
  • If artype is 1, the video is 4:3, ie. DAR is 1.33.
  • If artype is 2, the video is 16:9, ie. DAR is 1.78
  • If artype is 3, the video is 2.35 format, ie. DAR is 2.35.
  • If artype is 4, the DAR is whatever the ar return value contains.

You cannot count on ar always having the correct value when artype is different from 4.


Automation Manager • Running macros • Using export filters • Standard macros • Changes from Automation 3 • Moving from Automation 3

Karaoke Templater reference:

Declaring templates • Execution order • Modifiers • Inline-variables ($-variables) • Code lines and blocks • Execution envirionment

Lua reference:

Registration • Subtitles object • Progress reporting • Config dialogues • Misc. APIs • karaskel.lua • utils.lua • unicode.lua • cleantags.lua

Karaskel concepts:

Style tables • Dialogue line tables • Syllable tables • Inline effects • Furigana
